Your personal "guide" to the city is at your service at the hotel's reception desk. An experienced member of staff awaits to help you with any inquiries you might have regarding sightseeing in Glyfada or Athens, transportation questions, opening and closing times of museums and shops, as well as to facilitate in reserving tickets and arranging for services available upon request including babysitting and massages, among others.

The Concierge Guide is "your" trusted person in the city and ours as well. The person that we rely upon to guide you in the right direction and assist you responsibly, with recommendations on what to do in Glyfada or Athens, places to relax or have fun, close or more distant excursions to go on as well as dining and shopping options, so that your stay with us will go off without a hitch.

Glyfada the Greek Riviera

Glyfada the Greek Riviera